MIME types are a standard form of classifying file types or extension on the internet. These are very useful because it helps identify the data stored on a file. In a previous article, we talked about how to manage MIME types on your ASP/Windows account using WebsitePanel. In this article I am going to give you a step by step guide on how to manage MIME types using IIS 7 Manager.

1. Connect to your website using IIS 7 Manager. You need to enable remote management via WebsitePanel before using IIS Manager.

2. Once connected, in the IIS 7 Manager, click on MIME Types to manage the file extensions:

3. To add a new MIME type, go to menu "Actions -> Add…" :

4. Type the file extension, the mime type and click ok:

5. To edit a mime type, select one and the go to menu "Actions -> Edit":

6. To remove one, just select a MIME Type and go to menu "Actions -> Delete":

To see a full list of MIME Types, click here.

This concludes Manage MIME Types with IIS 7 Manager