SEO & Website Link Building
SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. Every website owner/webmaster wishes for their website to be listed in search engines with the best position in search results. Using SEO strategy in your website development and publicity, you can drive traffic to your website without spending anything more than time.
By practicing a combined set of strategies, you will not only increase traffic to your business, but you will rank higher with website analytics engines such as Alexa and Technorati, as well as search engines like Google. SEO link building is the easiest way to promote your business or website and best of all, it’s free!
There are numerous ways to utilize SEO principles. Here, we will give you a beginners lesson in SEO link building.
There are three different types of links that can have an impact on how your site is seen and ranked online:
- Internal
- Outbound
- Incoming
Each of these types of links has weight when it comes to whether or not your website appears on major search engines.
Internal links are found within your own website and link to other pages on the same domain. By clicking on these words (e.g. Search Top Web Hosting Providers), you will be transported to another page within this website. That is an internal link.
Having a small amount internal links will score a few bonus points with search engines. Internal links are the easiest to create since you can do them yourself. If you write website content daily, be sure to link back to past articles and pages a few times a month to add to your internal link bank.
Outbound links are links you create that take visitors outside of your own domain. If you place a link to on your webpage, clicking on that link will take you from your website to a different website.
You want to create a moderate amount of outbound links on a regular basis. One way to create outbound links is to back up your thoughts and ideas with links to studies and statistics that prove your point. If you are selling a diet product, you could link to a news special report about obesity or a government study that focuses on the negative effects of weight gain. Those types of links not only rank well with search engines, but also give you credibility.
An incoming link originates from another website and points to your domain. If Sally has a link on her website that leads users to your blog, it will bring incoming traffic to you.
Incoming links are very important because they not only increase the number of new visitors your site receives, but also give you a higher rank with search engines. You can add to the number of incoming links you receive by exchanging links with other websites, commenting on blog posts and forums, and becoming a site so impressive that others in your niche want to quote your words or share something powerful you said by linking directly to your site.
Each type of link has weight with search engines, so make a habit of finding a balance between incoming, outbound and internal links. Good SEO practices can mean the difference between a website that is a success and one that never gets off the ground.
This concludes a beginners lesson on SEO strategy and website link building
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