Applied on: Every hosting account
Most of webmasters are willing to list their website in almost every search engine. This is beneficial for website to get visitor traffic. There are hundreds of similar websites, and this is the search engine optimization technology, that gives top ranking to a website in the search result.
Even there are so many professional in search engine optimization work; this is not too complex to give a better position to your website. I will give few tips if you applied carefully (especially before submitting your website to search engine, but also can apply later), the website will get good attention by search engine.
1. Use Meta Tags: Meta tags and description provide short outline of the page. Use carefully and provide only related, short tags and description.
2. Use Proper File Name: File name (for example using_cell_phone.html) should also relate to the page content.
3. Title of Page: The page title element for your document should be concise and accurate.
4. Site Map: Use descriptive site map containing links to pages at your website. If the site map has more than 100 or so links, break it into separate pages. These help search engines locate all of the content on a site.
5. Page Links: Each page at your website should be reachable with a valid and proper descriptive hyper link.
6. Robot File: The robot.txt file allows your site to be index by search engine in your own way.
7. Links from Other Websites: If link to your website has present to other websites, the chances of best position in search result are brighter.
8. Usage of Images: Give proper name and alt tag to images at your website. Provide related title to each image.
9. Avoid Frames: Using frames make search engine difficult to index the page. Whenever possible try to avoid frames in website.
10. Home Page link: Make sure that each inner/child page has hyper link to your home page.
11. Organize the Site: Organize website content by topic and divide the site into logical sections, each focusing on a given topic. This allows search engines to better target specific information relevant to keyword searches.
12. Prefer text over Images: Try to use text instead of images to display important names, content or links. Search engines can't read images, and neither can people with visual disabilities.
13. Divide Topic: If your topic is rich in content, divide them into pages. A too lengthy page can be divided into further page and this also increase the search engine catching probability.
14. Proof Reading: You should go through with each sentence of your contents. Make sure you used correct spelling with meaningful paragraphs.
15. Inner Links: When necessary give a link of your page that has more details about the topic.
16. Avoid Illegal Contents: Some search engine may find them and will omit that page.
17. Validate HTML: Use tools to validate html tags so any problem in your html code can be found and corrected.
18. Avoid 404 Error: If a page has no more requirement, do not just delete that. You may add one eye-catching sentence at top of page about expiring that page. Or you may replace that page with an empty one showing your message, “this page is no more exisit†and offer alternate link.
19. Session Variables: Try to use some technique so if your site requires cookies or session, a search engine can visit your entire site without them.
20. Discuss Website: Start discussing your website at online public forums. Give links to related page of your website when discussing. This also helpful that you start publishing articles on other website forums and use your website address as your signature.
21. Frequent Update: Try to update your website time by time. If the content or links in your website expired, remove/replace them quickly.
22. Avoid Purchasing Links: You may think to pay to websites for having a link to your website. Remember for increasing ranking, the link should be present at topic related website. It is not recommended to purchase links from a page with more than 15-20 other off-site links.
23. Bookmark Script: Use script at your website and offer visitor to one-click bookmarking of your website. So next time visitor may visit your website easily, specillay if he reach you from other website or search result.
24. Avoid Duplication: For consistency, it's better to have one version of each page to get all the inbound links and earn all of the points with the search engines.
25. Check Website Uptime: If your site is down or frequently down, the search engine may put your ranking down. So be careful about the place where your site is hosted. If downtime is scheduled, manage your website to return 503 error code which tells search engine crawlers that the downtime is temporary. This 503 error handling useful in many other situations too.
Remember to submit your website to top search engine like MSN/Yahoo/Google and directory