This guide is a list of common terms you may encounter when managing a domain name. Below are the terms we will discuss here


=> Domain Name
=> Subdomain
=> Naked Domain
=> Secondary Domain
=> Domain Alias
=> IP Address
=> Domain Registrar
=> Domain Host
=> WHOIS directory


Domain Name
Domain names (often simply called domains) are easy-to-remember names associated with particular IP addresses. For instance, the domain name might translate to 198.102.434.8. This makes it much easier to remember a website's Uniform Resource Locator (URL).


Examples of domain names are and Owners of these domain names can create different subdomains such as,,, and


A subdomain is a part of a larger domain. For example, is a subdomain of the domain.


Naked Domain
A naked domain is simply a domain name without the 'www' prefix, such as (naked) instead of (non-naked).


Secondary Domain
When you want two names that refer to two distinct ranges of computers and users, you want two domains. The user for is different from the user


Domain Alias
When you want two names that refer to the same range of computers and users, you want two aliases for the same domain. The user for is the same as


IP Address
An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a series of numbers that tells us where a particular device is on the Internet network. An IP address looks something like this:


Remember a domain name may have one or more associated IP addresses.


Domain Registrar
Domain registrars sell domain names that are not yet owned and therefore available for registration. Most of these companies offer a domain hosting service in addition to registration.


Domain Host
Domain hosts run DNS servers for your domain. These are used to configure A records, CNAME records, MX records and TXT records. Most domain hosts offer domain name registration, as well.


WHOIS directory
The WHOIS directory is a public listing of domain names, and people or organizations associated with each domain name.


As a privacy measure, some domain name owners prefer to have their personal information hidden from the WHOIS directory. This is similar to the way someone may want his/her personal telephone number unlisted in a local telephone book.


The WHOIS directory is used to determine the owner of domain names and IP addresses. There are many free web-based directories available on the Internet. The information provided in the WHOIS directory includes a mailing address and a telephone number.